ALL POWERFUL, Yes you are!

5 months ago

One "Mantra" you will continue to hear me preach on this channel, is the POWER that each "god" on this plane truly possesses. Most souls running about today, don't think THEIR VOICE or THEIR "INTENTION" has real power.

I am here to CLEAR UP ALL THE BULL-SH*T, and to tell you -- ALL OF US are SO POWERFUL, if we could just realize this fact -- our world would change overnight.

It is my mission to LEAVE THIS REALM better than I received it. WHY? Not because of the "REALM/EARTH" itself -- but rather, there are VALUABLE SOULS who continue to get STUCK here, and I feel it necessary to do my part in SMACKING the heads of those folks -- to remove the trance they have been place in.

Connect with me & find me, as I need you and your "POWER" to achieve this mission. WE MUST BECOME THE CHANGE WE WANT TO SEE, and this is achieved through the ABSOLUTE POWER that lives within each and every one of us.

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