Trusted Leaders Cheat - Nebraska Top Five in Congress (Lie Cheat Steal Part 2 of 3)

10 months ago

Nebraska’s Top Five Trusted Leaders in Congress are asking for you to trust them again so they can cheat some more. You can trust these Leading Cheaters will cheat to get into, and stay in office, like how Cheap Tricks Ricketts, Stupid Ben Sassehole, and the dumb and drunk lil Puppet guv Pillen cheated to make Ricketts a Senator and Pillen a guv. These cheaters will continue to cheat with all the other Nebraska Establishment Cheaters to stay in power and cheat Nebraskans out of their money and the good life. So remember these Cheats when its time to vote in the Nebraska Primaries on Tuesday May 14 and vote for all the top Republican challengers because the only thing that you can trust about these Cheating Incumbent Imbeciles is that these Untrustworthy Leading Losers will Lie, Cheat, and Steal.

#cheat #petericketts #donbacon #debfischer #adriansmith #mikeflood #cheaters #teamricketts #ricckettsforsenate #cheaptricksricketts #baconforsenate #baconbacker #donnyrotten #donnyrottenbacon #debforsenae #debbiedownerfischer #lie #cheat #steal #thieves #nebraska #nebraskaelection #election2024 #terrible #despicable #brainless #losers #foolish #mindless #ignorant #morons #jokes #joke # Untrustworthy

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