Today was the first time in history a criminal case opened against a former President.

10 months ago

Jesse Watters | Today was the first time in history that opening remarks were delivered in a criminal case against a former president. The remarks were delivered by Biden’s former acting associate AG, who parachuted in from DC to Frankenstein a personal matter into 34 felonies. For the next six weeks, Trump’s stuck in a courtroom while Biden’s prosecutor puts on a show trial.

The star witness is ripping Trump a new one on his podcast and TikTok, but Trump’s gagged from responding. The faces of the case are either liars, porn stars, extortionists- or all of the above.

Elections are won at the ballot box, not in the courtroom. But this year, Trump might win in both. So what do you do when you’re down? Scare voters, spread lies and bring in Hollywood to help sell all of it.


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