Dr. Viktor Grebennikov – Anti-Gravity Platform using Beetle Bug Wings

10 months ago

Dr. Viktor Grebennikov, Russian scientist, discovered effects of insect parts and created an anti-gravity vehicle that theoretically warped space-time into time-space and a chair that utilizes the "source field".

Viktor Stepanovich Grebennikov was a self-proclaimed Russian scientist, biologist, entomologist and paranormal researcher best known for his claim to have invented a levitation platform which operated by attaching dead insect body parts to the underside

From Viktor’s Book “My World.”

I did not notice something even resembling
such an unusual amazing micro-pattern neither
on other insects’ parts nor in the rest of nature,
nor in technology nor in art. Due to the fact
that it was multi-dimensional, I could not copy
it in a flat drawing or a photograph. Why does
an insect have this? This structure is located in
the bottom of wing cases and is almost always
hidden. It can be seen only when an insect flies
but who can do this?

I suspected that this can be a wave beacon
having “my” effect of multi-cavitary structures.
During this really happy summer, there were a
lot of insects of this species and I caught them
using light in the evenings. Neither before nor
after that, I observed neither such a great
number of them or even single individuals.

I put a small concave chitin lamella on a
microscope table in order to watch its strange
cells using strong magnification once more. I
looked at a regular masterpiece of Nature-
jeweler and, without any purpose, put another
lamella with these unusual cells located on one
of its sides on the first lamella by tweezers.

But the part was pulled out the tweezers, hung
in the air for some seconds under the lamella,
which lay on the microscope table, rotated
clockwise, moved - in the air! - to the right,
rotated anticlockwise, swung and only then
quickly fall on the table.

Supposedly, the beetle was called Little Cetonia

Source: Dan Xuisoko – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKzNhIBeti8

My World by Viktor Grebennikov -- https://www.academia.edu/44970110/_My_World_By_Viktor_Grebennikov


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Thank You!!

END. 4/30/2024 – 3:00 PM

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