These what i said about caterverse people about stella rose 4/22/24

5 months ago

I've bealived stellaroseallday is add it again crying crocodile tears it seems doesn't gived it up already she wants people put in jail totally unlikely everyone aaron carter died its own ambitions is truth why can't she says he died bathtub od with drugs ins yes making false narrative see how stupid lady sounds really she saying the aaron carter fans are going died pyre nonsense this lady need get off the internet touch grass there alot toxic trollz and internet really going after for many reasons why isn't bealived community she talking ganval really buddy and others truthers don't like her the rest people on Twitter anuibe feel free panic all crazy can't stand stellaroseallday including no one that youtube lady and especially case studyz chase off Twitter she no luv in this community why people disowned all her crazy talk lead into the looney bin the crazy house all that talk am surprised youtube didn't shut her channel down or terminated bs nonsense that she clip on my channel she nutter than before that why hashtag bride for many reason hashtag lilperk to that been nofity of these crazy lady that oneline she think that Jimmy carter is grand father aaron carter what he'll she just said she says bill Clinton Barack Obama George w bush joe biden behind plot killed Aaron carter by us government is she insane does bealived thatshe bealived donaod trump will help her wow get all them deported listen luv trump even trump he won't buy to bs what she sayinh what mental nutcase windbag she really really think that cia and fbi are working with get oh lord that she might think that ganval works the feds cia oh lord not another one these crazy that check the star lilperk vium jwavy Melanie Martin and everyone involve the pope the president Vladimir putin and Xi ping also even involved in the murder of aaron carter by hired assissans she come up with lies even crystal ann doesn't bealived bull shit stir up these lady cones stories is unbelievable what is these what did internet bring me here for feel we in like twilight zone up that whats it is she think of Simpson Diddy Jeffrey epstien up all crazies 🤪 are coming up tonight lord Jesus help us all with these warned hashtag biden and lilperk for many reasons how mental this lady truly is she need medication or smoke cannabis cool off fir once touch grass go outside she knew the carterverse was trouble if can handle the heat stay of put the kitchen mama always says that true morals stories kids bealived crazy people oneline thank you

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