The Elites Hate Nature - A Psychopath's Guide To Enlightenment with Blair Black

5 months ago

The Classic Elitist Attitude Part 2: Cloud Seeding Edition. BUY THE BOOK. @
I think This is probably a good time to point out the arrogance of our cultural, political and academic elite because this idea, this idea is something so stupid only an academic could have come up with it…oh yes, fuck god (say it like Tate), fuck nature I want it to rain here, now. The arrogance, How arrogant to even think that we can put ourselves on the same plane as god and nature, thats the kind of arrogance that leads to demise…
This is a worrying repeating pattern of elitist hubris that plagues humanity, how long before they try and block out the sun…just a little bit…just to fight climate change…this is not different than that and its actually pretty fucking far down that path I realize, now that I say it out loud
This arrogance and the dismissive attitude towards nature comes about because we have 2 sides of ourselves, our instinctual side and our intellectual side and our instinctual side knows you’re not supposed to fuckin try and make it rain where it’s not supposed to fucking rain however, we have been conditioned since birth to repress our instinctual nature in favor of our intellectual nature and now with no check on our intellect we come up with dumb shit like Roundup, Wuhan and GMO's.
A large portion of modern society sees our instincts as toxic and antiquated and as something that needs to be overcome. They believe that nature and reality itself need to be re-written and, of course, they’re the ones who are smart enough to do it. I personally believe more in god and nature than I do in our current cultural, political and academic elites you know, the ones who are continually trying to force us to accept more and more observably false and unnatural things in the name of progress…
Allowing the elites to play god like this is concerning because as humans we really don’t have the vision to be able to project out for more than like 5 years…our lives are too short and after 5 years, theres just too many factors and variables and possibilities to compute which is why doing shit like cloud seeding is so…concerning. They could not possibly have any idea of the long term repercussions but they do it anyways because fuck you and when Dubai floods…oops, back to climate change or puberty blockers or social credit scores or universal basic income…or whatever other un-natural bit of social engineering they can think of
We understand very little about what’s really going on…we know just enough to get ourselves into trouble and that’s pretty much where were at with science in general…we can observe the effects of larger forces that we don’t understand and we can make stuff happen when we touch stuff to other stuff but we don’t know what the fuck we’re doing…we’re just poking around
Our separation from nature was at the cost of our purpose, our instincts and much of our common sense. Repressing out instinctual nature means we no longer have a counterbalance to keep us from doing intellectually dumb shit and I explain how to regain balance in my new book a psychopaths guide to enlightenment…

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