Doorways - Past Life Regression 003

10 months ago

In this Strategic Introspective Hypnosis session, this client goes through different doorways to help unlock events from the past. She discovers the source of some back pain and the origin of her phobia about her kids being taken in this life.

Kelli Sue is a certified Transpersonal Hypnotherapist. She received her over 500 hours of education at the Institute of Interpersonal Hypnotherapy in Florida. Kelli Sue was also certified through Antonio Sangio and Alba Weinman's Introspective Hypnosis training. This practice combines Milton Erickson's Neuro-Linguistic Programming, which Tony Robbins teaches as Strategic Intervention therapy, with Aurelio Mejia's Introspective Hypnosis technique.

For more information or if you would like to schedule a hypnosis session with Kelli Sue please visit her website

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