Return of the "gods"

11 months ago

END TIMES PRODUCTION Old footage rereleased after reediting and audio remastering. Tom Horn (R.I.P.)
Will demonic "aliens" or giants will return?
A "UFO event"/scare was warned to be the final hoax. Von Braun
We, or should I say, they?, have very hight tech toys.

As for "in the days of Noah", in context, relates for sudden destruction.
Also, the "Golden Age" occurred during the sign of Leo rising in the sun.
Then followed SILVER in Cancer, etc., relating to the giant image interpreted by Daniel, regarding Nebuchadnezzar's dream.

It appears that our Messiah shall send his great army to defeat the locusts.
< > Those who destroy to starve us and the demonic entities from the abysmal pit. Eden, mentioned, points to the area of the MiddleEast, so brings to mind the second Harvest.
The reaping of grapes and vines placed in the winepress of Wrath.
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