Pennsylvania Tunnel Excavation (1905 Original Black & White Film)

10 months ago

Step back in time to 1905 with this captivating black and white film showcasing the excavation site of New York's Pennsylvania Station. Witness the monumental construction efforts as workers toil away to create one of the city's most iconic transportation hubs. Experience the hustle and bustle of the narrow-gauge train used to haul debris from the tunnels under construction. Discover the beginnings of this historic station, which would span a vast area upon its completion in 1910. Don't miss this rare glimpse into the construction of a New York City landmark!

Source :
Bitzer, G. W., American Mutoscope And Biograph Company & Paper Print Collection. (1905) Pennsylvania Tunnel excavation. United States: American Mutoscope and Biograph Company. [Video] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

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