if you can't understand the current equation STOP ADDING

10 months ago

stop using other people to figure yourself out
everything you do will reflect back to you your lack
people are more fucked up actually
that movie would not be socially acceptable now
the birdcage is such a brilliant movie n it's fucking hilarious
if you're trying too hard you make it obvious that you're lying to yourself
yawl know my grievances w/ women
nuance would solve a lotta problems but since we can't talk about shit...
they can't lie to themselves like they used to
you make it obvious that you hate yourself
the man in my head is right, use discernment in regards to everything not just the turn signal situation
reasonably "on time"
since i still have a flip phone i'm allowed to call society a buncha piece a shit hypocrites
resilience is way cooler than the alternative
drugs have added to my brain complications but...
many drugs have spiritual benefits which is why the govt had to get their hands on LSD (and now marijuana)
no i don't support the military
"well-regulated militia" ain't the military industrial complex
the L doesn't question "climate change" the R doesn't question "terrorism"
they knew that the welfare state would create way more problems
they gaslight themselves to sleep
if only i'd change their minds on what i want to change their minds on
if it's mainstream it's wrong
that doesn't sound very nuanced but...
what the fuck is on my face
"liberalism" is all about gullibility, so the L/R are the perfect candidates since they seem to think they're sooooo different
yes i really do meow at everyone (that was my mgr that just let me in)
no america was never supposed to be a melting pot
they kept black people here n mistreated them to keep the "white supremacy" narrative going (if that were really true no other race would even be allowed in this country)
many policies are intended to have their effect way later

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