5 Ways To Set Goals To Achieve Anything In Life

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0:00 : Preview…
10:00 : Intro
11:00 : Show begins! - Myron was on Jubilee🔥
13:00 : Live show this Friday 🙌 - Get the tickets now!
17:00 : We’ll shift our content to Rumble

—— 5 Ways To Set Goals ——

20:00 : #1 - Plan what you want to happen before you write it down
22:00 : Stop doings things you are currently doing
25:00 : This is why people don’t leave their dead end jobs
27:00 : #2 - Write down your goals and make it visible
29:30 : Brainwash yourself into success
34:00 : #3 - Categorize your goals into short term & long term
35:30 : #4 - Have an accountability partner who pursues the same goal as you
40:00 : Superchats! - We’ll do an episode on Hygiene
44:00 : Only 9 Spots left!
45:00 : Thoughts on house flipping business
46:00 : Hater showed Myron’s properties on Youtube
50:00 : #5 - Avoid everything that interferes with your goals
53:30 : A goal without a deadline is a dream
55:00 : Fresh will buy a Bugatti to prove this hater wrong
57:00 : How did Big Mo loose so much weight?
1:02:00 : Superchats! - Can’t be a bum in 2024!
1:03:00 : Roosh V will be on the show🔥
1:06:00 : Fitness Youtube is dead!
1:08:00 : Don’t miss the live show
1:10:00 : Advice for guys in their early 20’s!
1:12:00 : Outro! (LIKE THE VIDEO👍)

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