Every Moment Is an Answered Prayer

10 months ago

May 15 - Every Moment Is an Answered Prayer
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Every moment is, unconscious of it that you may be, an answered prayer, regardless of how conscious you may be of it. You have co-created your journey with God, and God is perfect. So every part of your journey is in some way, shape or form — perfect for you. If every moment is perfect, created with your best interests in mind, wouldn’t the appropriate response to every moment be gratitude? If every moment is what you need to help you become who you came here to be, wouldn’t every moment then be, in one form or another, an answered prayer in one form or another? In reality, every moment is being gifted to you to help you reach a deeper sense of self-awareness and a higher level of consciousness. When in doubt, do not despair, for you will get through what you are going through. God, being perfect Love, would never not offer you anything that you could not handle or overcome.

Today, when doubt or fear appear, let us stop, take a deep breath and recall that our journeys are a sacred co-creation with God. Because God is perfect, our journeys are perfect for us. Because our journeys are perfect for us, every step along each of our paths is here to helps us reach our destination. Because every step helps us reach our destination, they are of use and thus helpful. Because they are helpful, we offer gratitude for all of our steps and to everyone involved in them. When we stop judging the moment, trust the Divine and offer the moment our gratitude, we enter the state of peace. When we are aligned with the state of peace, our light shines brighter. Our brighter light helps others awaken to the truth in them. By shining our light, we help guide them out of the darkness, and in doing so we become their answered prayers. They, by helping us practice shifting from darkness to light And through our interactions with them, they become our answered prayers, as well.
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