Akasha Pulses, The Kalpa Flame Rises Part -2 | Version 4.5 Archon Quest | Genshin Impact

10 months ago

Akasha Pulses, The Kalpa Flame Rises Part -2 | Version 4.5 Archon Quest | Genshin Impact
About :-
Version 4.5 Archon Quest Chapter III: Act V Akasha Pulses, the Kalpa Flame Rises has been recorded throughout Act 5. In it, the Traveler and Paimon are helped by Alhaitham, Cyno, Dehya, Tighnari, Nilou, Candace and other faithful present around Lesser Lord Kusanali, known as Nahida. There are a few vital steps to take to rescue Nahida from her own cell in the Sanctuary of Surasthana and they are as follows: deceiving Akademiya Sages, helping other Eremites deal with Fatui Harbingers Dottore and Scaramouche, and entering Greater Lord Rukkhadevata’s memories.
TAGS: Akasha Pulses, The Kalpa Flame Rises, Full Story, HD Quality, Archon Quest, Part 5, Chapter III: Act V. Nahida, Scaramouche, Balladeer, Dottore .
#AkashaPulsesTheKalpaFlameRises #FullStory #genshinimpact #nahida
#ArchonQuest #Sumeru #Part5 #Version4.5

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