This is the Place You Are All Moving Towards ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

5 months ago
Copyright © Daniel Scranton

“We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We do not require anything of you, and yet you ask the world of yourselves. You ask yourselves to be everything that everyone else needs you to be, and you ask yourselves to clean up all of your ‘bad karma’ from other lives. You ask yourselves to do the impossible and be perfect so that you may ascend into a higher dimension. We suggest that you all take it easy on yourselves. See yourselves as being perfect already, and see yourselves as being on a journey.

It is a journey where at times you will swerve off the road, and at times you will try to avoid a pothole and hit it anyway. It is a journey where a little critter might run out in front of your car and get squashed. In other words, no matter how hard you try, you are not going to have a perfect journey, and you will not always do what is expected of you by others. You will not be able to avoid hurting someone else’s feelings from time to time. These things happen, and they are meant to happen because you are not there to have a perfect journey by your standards or anyone else’s.

You are there to grow from the imperfections. You are there to get closer to one another because of your fights, your disagreements, and your struggles to get along. You are there to once and for all give up the idea that you are supposed to be something other than what you are. And when you can accept yourselves as you are, you can accept everyone else as well. You can let everyone else off the hook for not being perfect as well. You don’t have to condemn, judge, and jail everyone who has committed some sort of offense, because you all get to make your mistakes. You all get to have your bad days, and when you see them as opportunities to release something or forgive something, then you’re starting to get it.

When you see everything as perfect as it is, even though it might look like a mess, then you are starting to see the world and each other as we see you. Those of us in the higher realms want you to know that your journeys are perfect as they are, and that you were meant to slip up at times so that you could forgive yourselves. You are meant to not have all the answers so that you can ask for help and receive it. It is important for you all to be exactly who you are, because you are a puzzle piece that is completing the puzzle of this universe, and you are also completing the puzzle that is Source Energy.

That is why we are not here to tell you what to do or give you a list of rules to follow, and we are here to help you discover what is within yourselves to help you forgive, love, heal and have compassion. And we want you to know that you would only incarnate there on planet Earth if you had some level of mastery that you have already attained, because you knew how challenging it would be and you knew that others would be put there just to push your buttons.

You knew that people would disagree with people on very important topics, and you knew that it would then become your task to love them anyway and see the Source Energy within them, and that is your task at this time, no matter who you are or who you’ve been. And trust us when we say that you will be getting there. You will be getting to that place where you can see the perfection in all and in everyone, and you can live your lives accordingly and let everyone else live theirs as well.

We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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