Cyber Expert Harry Haury: Full Interview from the Documentary "Let My People Go" Part 1

10 months ago

During this full interview from "Let My People Go," Cyber Security Expert and Co-Author of the Help America Vote Act, Harry Haury, breaks down how U.S. Election equipment vendors, clerks and Secretaries of State fail to comply with federally mandated error rates for ballots being processed through election tabulators.

Haury explains how the error rates are supposed to mirror stringent standards in the banking industry for check processing. In a surprise to no one, the error rates in elections are not only abysmal, but as chief author of HAVA, provides his expert opinion that the law has not been followed during course of over two decades. Haury also breaks down the legal deficiencies found under the National Voter Registration Act and his observation of voter rolls having tremendous error rates. Finally, Haury provides his expert opinion on how elections fail to live up to the critical national infrastructure standards imposed by FISMA (Federal Security Management Act) and what he personally heard former Attorney General Bill Barr say to agents, mandating they kill their investigation into whistleblower Jesse Morgan's discovery that he was transporting hundreds of thousands of fake and fraudulent ballots from New York to Pennsylvania.

Watch the full feature film here:

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