April 22, 2024

10 months ago

Today we go over the chronological events leading up to the night of the Garden, the night of the beginning of Passover. (Remember YHWH's day starts at sunset.) In Yeshua's year, Passover started on a Tuesday night at dusk and on in to Wednesday and that is the day that He was slaughtered. But this year in 2024, we observe Passover starting tonight at sunset. 9am Tomorrow was when our King was crucified. 3pm was when He was taken off the cross.
Today I read where you can find each chronological event from Aviv 10 to Aviv 13 in your bibles should you want to look them up for yourselves. I also correlate the Old Testament plan carved in stone tablets, to the New Plan that was carved out of Yeshua's flesh, our Rock of Ages. Shalom friends.

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