Pulling Weeds...

11 months ago

Mathew, Mark and Luke give an account to the parable of the sower spoken by Jesus... The sower sows his seed and the seed lands on various types of ground and there is an outcome according to where the seed lands and sprouts... Today I am spending my focus on as this parable unfolds on the seed that lands among the thorns as it is mentioned... But in a way that the Lord was explaining to me the itherday while I was working with some seedlings and plants I am growing...
Also Jesus spoke of the parable of wheat and tares and again I am bringing this in a way that from my personal experiences in the garden and the effects that pulling the tares can destroy the roots of the wheat...
As well as deliverance prayer to pull the weeds that we still have in our lives that have a bearing on us to produce an abundant harvest...

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