How to say DEN HAAG in Dutch. Follow this short tutorial.

9 months ago

#denhaag #pronunciation #howto #dutch #holland

Thanks for watching our tutorial on how to say Den Haag as a true Dutch person. If this was helpful, please do like the video and subscribe to our channel for more content about The Netherlands, its language, culture and other how to videos.

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Hallo, this is Hans the Dutch guy with Much Dutch, and this time we will see how to pronounce in a regular Dutch accent the third largest city of The Netherlands, and also the administrative center of the country, which is Den Haag.

This is the way us Dutchies say Den Haag.

Den Haag

There is a light emphasis on the second part: Den Haag.


All the letters will be pronounced, and yes, there is that famous Dutch G at the end. Just keep trying, the Dutch really appreciate hearing that G. Just imagine something stuck in your throat, ggggg.

Den Haag.

I am going to visit Den Haag.

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Tot ziens!

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