T2 Cap 3: The origin of everything

10 months ago

The third part explores the profound question: where do we originate from? It delves into the essence, the genesis, the radiant core. And it intricately weaves the narrative of how and why the universe came into existence. Eventually, it unveils the tantalizing possibility of a game, a platform, not confined to just one level, but a cosmos of levels teeming with diverse players—some virtuous, others ancient beyond measure, and yet some sinister entities lurking in the depths. It illuminates the intricate web of sub-levels, where beings inherit the DNA and wisdom of their celestial predecessors. Enter the cosmic fraternity, a realm housing myriad simulations within simulations. All of this, a profound reflection on the origins of our reality—unless, of course, in the enigmatic embrace of the octopus, where even the wildest conjectures find sanctuary.

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