Flying Eagles (An Inspirational)

9 months ago

Look back and talk, invite yourself, not your current self, but someone that you may forgotten, invite your forgotten emotions to your table that you make.

What would you say? After all these years, your old friend, knowing now of your journey, and your growth, your victories and your losses, and of those friendships only for a season.

Putting out a welcoming hug and ornaments before you, on a table of feasts, what would the conversations be of your troubled memories? Sit down with, and wrestle with what you had once lived, with pills, and bottles, caused you to see who is talking at you, what is before you, hating what you see, free or hang onto what makes you free, or hang onto your right to push forward or move onward, not bargaining to gamble with this alter ego.

With this table, confronted with their past, people see pride, shame, guilt, success, growth, judgment, wasted time, not building, always chasing, painting with water, not painting with colors of expression that would wash away through every wave of life.

But somewhere in this table of debating, there are chances of release, the faith what can't be seen, a spirit of being, a spirit of breath, a spirit that is known as a spirit of life, a spirit of the way, the truth, and the light, to shed light on who you really are. Not what you had thought you had seen.

Forgiveness is painful on its own, but it is a key to unlock so many doors, hopeless, unless you come to face to face with the one who changes the sessions, makes flowers come to life, brings dead to life, on the altar of forgiveness and to change the world.

So now, that your wings are new, to fly above, not below a field full of memories, you can soar above and look at your reflection. Not flying alone anymore, but with the hosts of heaven. #spirit #life #christain

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