Kernaa Williams – A WARNING DREAM OF THE VACCINE 11-2021

5 months ago

Kernaa takes his position in the watchman’s ministry re: what the Lord showed him. We’re in a time where we are going to have to take the Word of the Lord as David took it. He inquired of the Lord. God’s Word is forever settled in Heaven and we have nothing to fear or to be afraid of. God is separating the sheep from the goats right now. There is darkness in Egypt but light in Goshen! Kernaa’s prayer is for a discerning heart to come upon the people of God. He was an observer in a dream God gave him. What he saw brought him to tears in the dream. He saw those under strong delusion and mass deception. Research has uncovered that some pastors and clergymen are preaching and encouraging their congregants to be vaccinated, some even receiving monetary compensation for doing so. This is summoning Baalzebub, the god of medicine into the sanctuary. Read 2 Kings, chapter 1. “And God was not pleased.” Kernaa’s dream has revealed to him there are multitudes that are not inquiring of the Lord, not seeking the Lord concerning the taking of the vaccine but are following the direction and instruction of Baalzebub. To the pastors and leaders, not only have you inquired of the Lord but have you done your research on the ingredients of the “jab”, before you send your sheep to the slaughter? We need to pray for our pastors and leaders that they will repent for destroying lives for dishonest gain. These two powerful messages are concluded with approximately thirty minutes of prayer and ministry for healing and deliverance. The next morning several testified of healing that took place in this evening’s service. To God be the Glory!
Posted with Permission from Lake Hamilton Bible Camp
21LHCD11Z- 1B – **Kernaa Williams – A WARNING DREAM OF THE VACCINE

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