Evangelical So-called Christians Are NOT Christian (The ‘Scofield Reference Bible’ Is SATANIC)

10 months ago

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Evangelical So-called Christians (Adventists, Baptists, Jehovah's Witnesses, Pentecostals, etc) Are NOT Christian: Founded By A Practitioner Of SATANISM, Their Altered, Corrupted ‘Scofield Reference Bible’ Goes AGAINST The Teachings Of Jesus Christ

‘They were infiltrating the American Evangelical ‘churches’ with Zionist propaganda, and slowly [...], the Baptists bought into it, the Pentecostals [the Assemblies of God, the Church of God]...’

‘Just go down the list of Pentecostal and Baptist denominations that got suckered into this thing [the Assemblies of God (an international Pentecostal denomination), the Church of God (various denomination bodies), the entire Adventist movement, the entire Armstrongism movement, almost the entire Baptist movement, the entire Brethren movement, the entire Wesleyan holiness movement, the entire Pentecostal movement, the entire Nontrinitarian sects movement (Jehovah's Witnesses and the likes), the South Korean ‘churches’, etc etc etc…]’

‘People actually believe the (foot)notes are sacred as the texts that are there…’

‘Christians are getting beat up by Zionists in the West Bank and in all of Palestine.’

‘They will get spit on (‘Spitting on Christians is a Jewish custom.’ —Itamar Ben-Gvir, Israeli Minister of National Security), harassed, beaten up, arrested, thrown in prison without charge, killed, have their churches bombed, and then Evangelical Christian Zionists will call them God's chosen people while blessing Israel.’

‘There is no group dumber than Christian Zionists.’

‘Christian Zionists are some of the dumbest people on the planet.’

‘C.I. Scofield was paid by Zionists to rewrite the Bible in 1908 and 1917, blessing Israel, and you idiots believe his fake rewritten version.’

‘C.I. Scofield was a conman and an alcoholic who had been arrested for forgery and bribery.

He went on to edit the Bible, which is the Bible most people use today.

The problem is that he edited sections about Israel that were not in the original Bible.

This is what was used to start the Christian Zionist movement you see in America today.’

—Jake Shields

‘Thanks, Jake for shining a light on this, bro.

The damage that has been done to America from this is immeasurable.’


‘The damage done to the *world*.’


‘On Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson), Munther Isaac (@MuntherIsaac) asked EVERY Christian to research the reality on the ground in Palestine and understand the Bible doesn't support Israel.’

‘Fake Christians are reading the Scofield ‘bible’ of 1913. Rothschild funded it.’

‘The corrupt American Evangelicals teach parishioners to be slaves for Jews while they make their $ in back room deals from AIPAC. Welcome to the light.’

‘Are Jews chosen? No. God blesses/curses those who bless/curse ABRAHAM, not Israel.’

‘On Easter Sunday, I'd like to remind Americans that Evangelicals aren't Christians; they follow the Rothschild-funded Scofield ‘bible’ from 1913, that same year he opened the USA's Federal Reserve, turning Americans into debt slaves to fund the creation and sustainability of the political and military Israel.
Learn how Evangelicals betray Christians in the Holy Land. Part ⅓.’


‘"Learn how evangelicals betray Christians." I do not agree with that small detail. They do not "betray," simply because they are not Christians at all.
They are just one of many sects that exist throughout the world.’


‘Fair enough, that's reality; however, they view themselves as Christians, and no amount of truth will lead them to that conclusion until the veil is lifted from their eyes.’


‘Oh, I understand that. But that doesn't mean that other Christians should continue to call them "Christians" just because they say so. I have no problem with the "veil" being removed from their eyes. In the meantime, it is commendable to call them "Evangelicals" (without using the word Christians).’


‘That's the reason the majority of Christians are supporting Jews, saying that they are chosen people of the Lord God, not thinking even a bit that they crucified Jesus Christ as their own God.’


‘Many MAGAs have been led astray by the Zionist-backed Scofield ‘bible’.

They were turned into useful idiots to support the Zionist ethnostate of Israel.

Zionists laugh and curse them behind their backs, but the saddest part is that Jesus does not know them, for they follow His enemies.’


‘Example of what I am talking about. "Replacement theology" is a Jewish term for what Christians believed for 1900 years. She is spouting Scofield Bible, Vatican II theology, both of which were written by and for Jews. Disgusting and pathetic.’


‘Debbie restricted comments because she thinks Israel of the Bible is the same as the Rothschilds state formed in 1948.

It's ok; the Scofield Bible and wretched dispensationalism caused this. Pity some are too far gone to ever be convinced otherwise.

Look at Romans 9:6–8.

But it is not as though the word of God has failed. For not all who are descended from Israel belong to Israel, and not all are children of Abraham because they are his offspring, but “Through Isaac shall your offspring be named.” This means that it is not the children of the flesh who are the children of God, but the children of the promise are counted as offspring.

This is to bless the people of God and those who accepted Him.’


‘The Scofield ‘bible’ is the most Jewish ‘bible’ you will ever read.’


‘From Herzl's Zionism to the Balfour Declaration, a journey through manipulation and prophecy. A web of Zionist ambition, spun with dispensationalism, turns prophecy into policy.

A century-old plot unfolds: Scofield's commissioned 'bible', backed by Untermyer and Zionist elites, infiltrated Protestant belief, rewriting destiny by plagiarizing Darby's theology (the restoration of Israel as part of "God's prophetic plan"). Fast forward to today, and much of Protestant thought has been hijacked to legitimize the ideology of a Zionist state predicated upon exceptionalism and fanatical intolerance for Palestinians.’


‘Oy vey, Goyim, you can’t do this! Don’t you remember what your Scofield ‘bible’ says, you stupid Goy? If you don’t send us ten million dollars a day and tongue Netanyahu’s asshole, then you’re a filthy Antisemite and a Holocaust denier, and God will curse you for His chosen people!’


‘Ohhhkaaayyy… I don’t know what else to say except that if this is not some kind of Zio-Americanist propaganda, I don’t know what else the purpose would be. It’s stomach-turning. Just as bad, or maybe worse, than the paintings of Trump on the cross. Scofield ‘bible’ on steroids.’


‘“Israel bombed our church”

How’s that Scofield ‘bible’ reading going?’


‘Christians Blessing Israel And The Jews Is Nothing More Than Zionist Manipulation Of The Scofield Study Bible That Most Christians In America Use Today. Share To The Ignorant Zionist Christians…’


‘The "End Times" doctrine is fake.

It has exactly ZERO biblical basis.

It was invented by the Je[w]suits, then pushed by the ZOGged Scofield ‘bible’.

When the upcoming Anti-Christ op goes live, it will be up to the Christians with eyes to see to help others see through the op.’


‘Because of the room-temperature IQ, low level of education, and utter idiocy of the evangelical Judeo-Christian. The Scofield ‘bible’ was a Trojan horse sent by the Jew…’


‘The Scofield ‘bible’ and dispensationalism have caused more damage to Christianity than I could possibly explain.’


‘Christian Zionism was started in 1909 by a fraudster and lawyer, not even a theologian, named Cyrus I. Scofield. He created what’s known as the “Scofield Reference Bible” which is the King James Bible WITH annotated commentary.

You guessed it; all the annotations steer the reader toward loving Jews and returning them to Israel.

Scofield published this thing as a favour to Jewish Zionist Samuel Untermeyer who happened to be on the membership committee of the exclusive social club that he really wanted to join, The Lotus in NYC.

Scofield conducted a series of financial forgeries in St. Louis for which he was sentenced to six months in jail.’

—Lou Rage

‘Christian Zionists fell in love with the Pharisees, who compensated them well for pushing the idea that 'The Jews' are still God's Chosen People, in spite of the fact that Christianity is based upon the belief that Jesus had completely closed that chapter of the Old Testament

The New Testament's promise was that ALL who are saved by their faith in Christ become God's Chosen People. You can't be any more Chosen than that. What then becomes the status of those Jews who turn away from Jesus' path to Salvation?

This is what Christians are supposed to believe according to the Canons of their faith…’

—James Jos. Kroeger

‘"What is Israel supposed to do?"
Nothing. No bombing. No attempts to starve the civilians of Gaza, to deprive them of water, food, & fuel

Israel should do nothing more right now than reflect on what happened… mourn their losses… try to understand why it happened… and then make intelligent efforts to prevent it from happening again

"B-b-but no Revenge?"

Absolutely no revenge. Revenge seeking is an emotional response-devoid of logic-that heals no wounds, will not return those who were lost, & is virtually guaranteed to bring you more pain & suffering in the future

Think about it for a minute. When has yielding to your anger-allowing yourself to be consumed by it-ever produced an outcome that was beneficial to you?

The human urge to take revenge is not something that arises from The Better Part of human nature; it arises from the Dark Side, the animal side of our nature. It is spontaneous and primitive and unreasoning

When humans employ their reasoning skills, they are able to see the predictable result of all tribes embracing the Urge To Avenge: unending conflict, pain, death, & suffering on a massive scale

If you seek revenge against people who only attacked you because they were seeking revenge against you, then it's time for you to stop being stupid & consider other options

One option that gets zero attention in Western media & political circles is that which was articulated by Jesus Christ many, many centuries ago

Jesus told his followers the morally righteous way to respond to an enemy who threatens you is by not treating them as your enemy. His suggestion: do the opposite of what your enemy expects you to do

“You've heard it said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth’ but I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also."
"You've heard it said, ‘Love your neighbour and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you"

As advice goes, it was stunningly counter-intuitive. He was telling his followers to forswear their natural instinct to hurt those who hurt them. He told them not only that they shouldn't respond 'in kind', but also that they should make friendly overtures to any 'enemies' they encounter

That is, present a friendly, engaging face to anyone whom you suspect is a threat to you, a face that suggests passive approval, without a hint of fear or anger

Why is this such a brilliant idea? Because it takes advantage of normal human instincts. Those instincts are triggered by friend or foe perceptions. If you see an angry face looking at you, you will see an enemy; if you see a friendly face that shows concern for your troubles, the anger will vanish

Using your intellect & not your animal emotions when confronting an enemy is what Jesus recommended. The key is having the wisdom to know how your enemy's mind works & thus knowing how to diffuse the potential for conflict, to achieve peace when war appeared oh so likely

Israel defenders will ask, "What about Hamas? Why shouldn't they be following Jesus' advice?" The answer is: it simply doesn't matter if they follow it or not. Offering kindness to your enemy is a power you possess over them that cannot be taken away from you

Now, theoretically at least, we can imagine being confronted by a predatory tribe [like say Nazi Germany] that sees your tribe as inferior & wishes to enslave you, but that motive has nothing to do with revenge-seeking. It is pure predation, a motive doesn't apply in any way to Hamas

Everything about Hamas' motivation is inspired by a desire for revenge against the enemies of their people: the Supremacist gang that stole their land from them at gunpoint

Such people are precisely the kind of 'enemy' you can de-radicalize with Jesus-inspired overtures. Treat them as people whose welfare you are concerned about & they will lose their perception of you as their greatest enemy

This is the actual alternative Israel should be using to make peace with their Arab neighbours. They have no excuse for not using it. But they now seem committed to waging a genocidal war against Gaza, claiming "revenge is theirs"

They've essentially told the world they are justified in wiping out Gaza civilians who live above the tunnels that Hamas uses, because "it's Hamas' fault; they're hiding behind human shields"

It's an excuse that is utterly devoid of compassion for innocent victims. The truth is that Israel's Zionists have so thoroughly demonized & de-humanized the Arab population in Gaza in their minds that they perceive even the women & children to be threats to Israel that must be eradicated

Israel is run by a political class that has lost its soul, if it ever had one. They proclaim that their animal instinct to exact revenge should be seen as justified by a world audience. "Wouldn't you want to protect yourself from future terrorist attacks by wiping out the entire population that hides them?"

The answer, Israel, is no… we wouldn't want to do something so horrible & cruel when we know there is a superior alternative that depends on intellect & not beastly emotion…’

—James Jos. Kroeger

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