Hampstead Heath Kids - Satanic Ritual Cover-Up Part 3

10 months ago

Leaked Medical Reports End All Doubt About Sexual Abuse Claims


March 11th, 2015.

The medical reports end any debate regarding the fact that children A and G were the victims of child sexual abuse in Hampstead and underline the criminal nature of the police interviews of September 17th, 2014. The question now is who is being protected? Who has the influence and power to cause the British police such an obvious and inexplicable mid investigation rethink? Clearly there is much more than a Z grade actor and the reputation of a school at stake here. Neither would logically merit the police choice to destroy this investigation and cover up these heinous crimes.

September 5th 2014
“A referral was made to the Barnet CAIF by (the mother’s partner’s) brother in law who is a special constable. Following a disclosure by A and G that they had been sexually abused by their father and “teachers” and were part of a cult. This disclosure had been made when they were in Morocco over the summer. And the parents stated they were unsure who to inform as many people seemed to be involved, (including allegedly police and social workers.)
Initial police interviews conducted.

September 8, 2014
Initial strategy meeting held.

September 10, 2014
Visit to family home ahead of ABE interview.

September 11, 2014
Emergency Police Protection Order issued after the ABE yesterday evening during which witness A, witness G and witness E (mother) were interviewed separately.
Allegations of physical abuse from the mother’s partner towards both children and sexual abuse against both children by their father and “teachers”. They are now in Emergency Foster Placement.”

September 17, 2014
Police conduct the retraction interviews in transparent attempt to bury the truth and vandalise justice.
Interviewing officers clearly bully false retractions from the children for unknown reasons that can only be sinister.

September 22, 2014
Police inform the mother E that they have found that the crimes against the children cannot be confirmed. The investigation is over.

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