Instructions for Transforming Our Life

9 months ago

What does it take to be a better servant to God? I believe what it takes is to have a true faith, a true belief in Jesus that He died for our sins and that through Him our sins are forgiven and our salvation becomes secure through our relationship we have established with Him. It also takes obedience and trusting in Him that He will never mislead us, He will never leave us nor forsake us.

This message is timeless as all scripture is, meaning it applies to every generation from the beginning to the end. It is also age independent which all scripture is and that means it does not matter how young or old you are to start following these instructions to becoming a Christian. Our transformation begins when we submit our life to Christ and it ends the moment God calls us home.

How often have you been hurt by someone's words? How often have you hurt someone by your words? Even though it may sound good or feel good when we speak them, we are accountable to God for everything we do and everything we say. Constant negative words grieve the Holy Spirit of God. Every time we sin (in this case speaking negatively) towards someone it is not pleasing to God. Conversely, when we repent, it pleases God. God wants us to exhort others, to lift them up, build them up through the words we use.

At times the words we speak to others is a result of harboring resentment towards them and it prevents reconciliation. In contrast, God wants us to love each other and as the body of Christ, He wants us to respect and care for those who are incapable of caring for themselves. That does not mean take care of the lazy and the unwilling to work or contribute to the kingdom of God. Paul reminds us that we should be working to gain extra to help those in need, we should be working so we may help others. We should never forget where we came from and who brought us there (God). We should live differently when we are saved. When we help others, God will bless us individually and He will bless the body as long as we are sincere about it.

If we subscribe to the fact that we are one body in Christ, then why would we want to hurt each other with actions or words? Kindness is a fundamental principle we ought to live by when we serve God.

The truth is God's word and the truth sets us all free from the lies and deceit of the world. God wants us to speak the truth in love and to encourage each other, but there are also times where we must speak hard words out of necessity. For example, would you rather see someone spiral into hell because you refused to speak the truth? Or would you like to see someone whisked into heaven because you spoke the truth and through the Holy Spirit, the truth set them free?

Another trait Paul addresses is anger. Especially the anger that simmers inside you. It is that anger that will tear down your body and mind. This anger is like a powder keg which can explode at any time. We should never sin in our anger. We are also reminded that righteous anger is good when it is sincere and truly from God

Did you know that when you are constantly sinning you are provoking God? It is the equivalent to challenging God to discipline you for your sin. This makes God angry and unfortunately there is so much anger and hatred today in our world that Satan uses anger as a tool to pit us against each other. Bitterness, lawlessness, pride, and stealing are all characteristics in Satan's tool belt. And we have witnessed how he uses all of these tools against us. All we need do is to look at what is happening in Israel for the evidence of anger and hatred surrounding them.

But the good news is that God is always there for us. We have the rock below our feet to stand on to give us stability in our lives. To allow us to grow, to make mistakes and God is always there to pick us up and put us on the right track even when are disobedient.

My prayer is that we would follow the biblical principles set forth in the bible. That we would lean forward into God for all our needs and desires. That we understand that He loves us to the death of His only begotten Son Jesus the Christ. In the mighty Name of Jesus Amen! Amen!

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