被深層政府利益集團控制的主媒,選擇“噤聲”。而美國擁有百萬閱讀訂戶的大自媒體頻道們,關心報導日本醫學專家 井上正康 教授近期公開“給世界各國所有民眾”的驚人示警言論

11 months ago

**井上正康 教授 八分鐘 完整演講

*Apr.17.2024日本各地成千上萬民眾走上街頭,抗議“大流行條約”、“新世界秩序New World Order”




- 大阪市立大学醫學院名譽教授 井上正康 教授。
Japanese Professor Delivers Stunning Message Everyone Needs to Hear

“The pandemic was used as a false pretext by the WHO to drive vaccinations of all peoples in the world.”

He says the fraudulent use of “experimental gene therapy to healthy people” was not only an “extreme violation of human rights,” but “the result was the induction of the terrible drug-induced injury that has never [been] seen in human history.”

- Prof Masayasu Inoue, Professor Emeritus of Osaka City University Medical School.

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(感謝 ZeeeMedia頻道、VigilantFox 🦊頻道 公開影片訊息、感謝 淘喵先生中文翻譯字幕編輯、大馬新冠逆苗頻道 分享影片訊息)

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