Know Thy Enemy - Cultural Marxism - So YOU Can Destroy Thy Enemy

10 months ago

Good morning PUREBLOODS! Today we're going to talk about studying and knowing your enemies in the world. So that you can destroy them.

Because they certainly spend a lot of time studying and learning about you.

You see, The THEY are hell bent on killing a large portion of us, and then enslaving the rest of us to bend to their will and bidding. Shit they put it on stones in Georgia until we blew those up. That excellent moment in the war notwithstanding, the intentions of The THEY are well documented at this point.

So, is it not time to begin to follow their example? Because in war, not knowing your enemy is suicide basically. It's about as prudent as taking a gene-altering therapy, because "Good Morning America" said you were a good person if you did.

So wake up and begin studying your enemies. Communists, satanists, and pedophiles make up roughly 99.99% of the actual tyranny in the world. And there's something you can do about it. Learn who these shit-bags are, learn their patterns and how they communicate, learn how they steal/consume/conquer free speech and thought through systematic social engineering.

Then learn how to completely and utterly destroy them.

Because that's exactly what The THEY are doing to you, me, and we.

Good Morning!

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