What Your Sleeping Position Says About You

10 months ago

Have you ever wondered what effect your sleeping position has on you? Could that mean anything about your personality? We all like to sleep in the position that we feel most comfortable. But did you know that your sleeping position can actually say a lot about who you are? Because we do it unconsciously, it can be seen as an honest expression of our deepest selves. Curious? Here are some of the most common sleeping positions and what sleep experts say about your style!

Hope it is useful. Thank You.

Screenwriter: Chloe Avenasa
Manuscript Editor: Morgan Franz
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
VOICE OVER: Amanda Silvera
Animator: Nafia
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

Idzikowski, C. (16 September 2003). “Sleeping Position Provides Clues to Personality.” BBC News. Retrieved from news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/3112170.stm

Nectar Sleep (September 1, 2020). Retrieved from www.nectarsleep.com/p/sleep-positions/

Lauren Kahn (March 19, 2020). Reader's Digest. Retrieved from www.rd.com/list/sleep-position-personality/

Bright Side (September 1, 2020). Retrieved from brightside.me/article/what-your-sleeping-position-reveals-about-your-personality-17255/

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