The Road by Jack London

11 months ago

The Road by Jack London / Audiobooks

In this entertaining collection of tales and autobiographical essays, London relates the days he spent on the road. Each story details an aspect of the hobo's life - from catching a train to cadging a meal. The wealth of experiences and the necessity of having to lie for a living brought depth London's subsequent stories.

00:00:00 - 1. Confession
00:28:00 - 2. Holding Her Down
01:05:35 - 3. Pictures
01:30:45 - 4. Pinched
02:02:22 - 5. The Pen
02:32:15 - 6. Hoboes That Pass in the Night
03:11:08 - 7. Road-Kids and Gay-Cats
03:39:39 - 8. Two Thousand Stiffs
04:06:19 - 9. Bulls
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