What Does Yeshua Ben Yosef think of the War in His Homeland Palestine?#gnosticchristianity #rapture

10 months ago

#psychicintutive #remoteviewer #spiritual
Hello Light Workers! What does Yeshua Ben Yosef think of this War on Gaza? What does he think of Israel? What does he think of what his spiritual movement called The Way has become? What does he think of Its devolvement into what is known as Christianity? I have seen him with spiritual eyes and my impression of him was that he was a spiritual master or Yogi from the way he dressed and walked. His homeland and its people have been ravaged by bombs and war. Many of us have cried, prayed, donated and protested for an end to this slaughter of innocent Palestinian people. His people! His genetic stock. So who better to seek answers from than Yeshua The Nazarene.
I asked my spirit team to assist me in making this contact with Yeshua. But surprisingly it was amazingly easy! He answered my every question and I feel welcomed to ask more. Please leave a comment with your ideas of what I should ask him for our next conversation. Especially concerning world conflicts and suffering. We cannot rely on heavily censored and edited texts given to us by the enemy Roman Catholic Church aka Caesar of this world. There are some authentic texts that have survived that can give us clarity about who Yeshua really was and what his spiritual movement was really about. Such as the NAG HAMMADI LIBRARY. But there are even some truth or clues included into the Cabals bible. The New Testament repeatedly refers to Yeshua as “the Nazarene,” a phrase mistranslated as “Jesus of Nazareth” because scholars had no idea what a Nazarene was. Recently they discovered that not only did a group called the Nazarenes live in Yeshua’ area in his time, but their descendants still exist in the Middle East today. They are the only surviving group left after centuries of persecution by Rome. Rome wanted to erase Yeshua's movement and replace it with the fear based brand of Christianity most people have been brainwashed with today. The Nasuraiya, a Semitic group, survives and flourish to this day in southern Iraq. Their name means “guardians of sacred knowledge.” They trace their heritage back thousands of years, and they still practice the ancient rites of their forebears, immersing the entire body in water to cleanse themselves of sin, for example. Today these people are called Mandeans (manda means gnosis). However, the Muslims call them Sabians, which means “baptizers.” One of the most renowned teachers in the Nasuraiya’s long tradition of spiritual preceptors was John the Baptist, the man who initiated Yeshua at the bank of the Jordan River. From the texts in the Nag Hammadi library, it now appears that Yeshua was a Nasuraiyi or initiate in the Gnostic tradition.
Like many of their fellow Gnostics, the Nasuraiya believe there are two worlds, one of darkness and one of light. They say that an evil Creator formed our world from the darkness, but inside each physical body fashioned by the Creator, the unknown king of light has hidden a spark of light from a universe of splendor beyond the Creator’s conception. Messengers are sent by this great king to rescue the shining beings trapped in material bodies by teaching them gnosis, or the knowledge of their true identity. Until they listen to the messenger and free themselves from matter, merging back into the world of light, they continue reincarnating, experiencing horrible conditions after death during which they are punished for their sins.
One does not have forever to obtain liberation, the Nasuraiya warn. There will come a day when the universe as we know it will pass out of existence, and souls who are not yet liberated will have lost their chance and will perish for eternity. Yogic scriptures teach a similar doctrine, though in the yogic version, after many eons the universe will manifest again, and the souls who didn’t make it in the last cosmic cycle will have another opportunity to find the light.
The Nag Hammadi scriptures claim that Yeshua was himself a Gnostic, and for them this explains the fact that he didn’t talk about the judgmental Old Testament God Yahweh (or Jehovah). (Subscribe to my Patreon because I have been investigating who or what that entity really was.) Instead he referred to the Supreme Being as Abba, the loving Divine Father whose kingdom “is not of this world” (unlike the Creator God, whose kingdom is this world). Today Christians do not accept that Jesus was a member of the Gnostic community because gnostics have been demonized by the Roman Catholic Church.
Be Blessed Light Workers! Love you! See you soon in the next video. Namaste.

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