Ubisoft On The Decline? The Data Reveals Some Disturbing Trends [Analysis]

10 months ago

After digging into the data, some interesting trends are showing from the past 7 years of Ubisoft games. I'd like to dig into this more, but I figured Ubisoft would be a great starting point, and it reveals the state of the AAA industry and where things are headed.

SteamDB Query: https://steamdb.info/publisher/Ubisoft/?min_reviews=1&min_release=2017-01-01&max_release=2024-04-21&sort=release_ascFor Honor (SteamDB): https://steamdb.info/app/304390/charts/For Honor (Steam): https://store.steampowered.com/app/304390/FOR_HONOR/

LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/jasconius

Outro Audio: https://soundbible.com/1936-Crisp-Ocean-Waves.html / https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/

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