Easy and Portable Dog Fence

10 months ago

🌺 Fencing: https://amzn.to/3VTl8M7

• We found this fencing on Amazon after a LOT of searching and comparison. I absolutely LOVE this dog fence - we ordered 32 panels and it fit our needed space perfectly (with 3 panels to spare).

• The 32 panel choice came with 4 door panels and 28 regular panels. You can get as few as 2 panels and as many as 48 panels from 24” to 50” tall

• It’s as easy as place and stake, though we did a little more work for stability by placing the fencing in a shallow trench. SUCH an easy project and can be done in minutes (if you don’t do any trenching).

• I will definitely always utilize this fencing and suggest it to anyone that needs small or large portable fencing for their dogs or puppies. Bonus: It can be used inside OR outside!

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