America Last Passes in House w/ Congress Waving Foreign Flags Giving Away US Treasure for Bloodshed

8 months ago

by Glen Wallace

We need to go back to the basics of the founding of this nation that is the United States of America. We've strayed way to far from our origins of fighting for our own independence and freedom from the imperialist foreign power that was King George's Great Britain. Congress and the President are bankrupting America to fund the pet war projects of foreign campaign donors. No justification is offered for why we must "stand by our allies" and claim there's an "ironclad" support for Israel. While homelessness, medical bankruptcies, evictions and a myriad of other maladies persist here in the US, Congress decides to fund endless war abroad that in no way benefits American's. Instead that funding only prolongs the hardships and bloodshed of those foreign citizens caught in the crossfire of those wars members of Congress seem so bent on prolonging. Meanwhile, while American's face mounting health insurance costs due to the world's most expensive healthcare system, Israeli citizens enjoy free healthcare and free college, thanks in part to our most generous Congressional representatives. Those Congress men and women who are supposed to represent us, instead seem to be representing Israelis and the Ukrainian military more so than they represent any of their constituents.

Almost comically, in one of the videos of Congress reps waving the Ukrainian flag, my own so-called representative, Angie Craig, is there front and center, and the loudest one there, yelling something about "Ukraine in the House!". I start my video with a couple of short loops of that clip.

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