Shifts Happen – Series Six Session Twenty-Three – All Things Are Possible

10 months ago

This is our third session of Series Six—Empowered Decisions, where you learn about 5th density Law of Attraction.

This is where things get very exciting and juicy!

Our conversation is very needed because many people's lives seem to be falling apart right now. People are unsettled, lashing out and even breaking down in despair.

This is especially true if they haven't made peace within and embraced their true potential yet.

What is our True Potential?

Right now, with heightened and intensified Light Codes streaming down onto Planet Earth, an awakening of "real" manifestation, is taking place in the background.

Without knowing these new "ways," it's becoming more difficult to make sense of the chaos.

The majority of humanity is still disconnected from themselves and not assimilating the vast spiritual upgrades streaming into Planet Earth.

This manifests as losses, sickness, anger, despair, and a huge cacophony of toxic and disturbing world events en masse.

The grand calling is now for "wholeness," integrating into the Source Force, as One, where flow, ease, divine opportunity, and blessings are becoming more instant and abundant than ever.

Planet Earth is at a pivotal breakdown/breakthrough junction. By flowing forward into this up-shift you have the potential to reverse fate and achieve almost instant positive breakthroughs.

I hope this session with help grant you love, inspiration, peace and strength in these challenging times!

And most importantly new and amazing FAST manifestations!

Becoming a Shifts Happen Member will allow you to receive the full additions to this session, all of Series 6, plus 22 other transformational 4-part 90-minute workshop sessions.

👉You can see all the details here:

You can read the information part of this session on my Blog:

Much Love Mel ❤

I look forward to your comments and questions below.

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