Cinephobia calls into MOATS to discuss the Freedom Flotilla

9 months ago

Cinephobia Radio called into the Mother of all Talk Shows for the first time today to get Mr. Galloway’s thoughts on the Freedom Flotilla which is due to set sail soon with 5500 tonnes of humanitarian aid for the victims of the Gaza Genocide.

Mr Galloway has participated in a number of convoys into Gaza in the past and helped to organize the ill-fated voyage of the Mavi Mamara in 2010 where ten activists were murdered in cold-blood after the IDF raided their vessel.

Hopefully, the great God Poseidon in league with the great Goddess Eleos will see to it that the flotilla survives its inevitable encounter with both the illegal Israeli naval blockade and the trigger happy IDF (the now widely condemned IDF, i.e. the most 'moral' army in the world) and that the aid gets to where it's supposed to go and all the activists return safe and sound from this perilous voyage.

And stay tuned to this channel for more information about how you can help ensure the success and safety of this extremely dangerous mission, one undertaken by a group of real life heroes, individuals who believe in something much greater than themselves and are willing to risk everything to help alleviate, even on a small level, some portion of the extremely inhuman and unconscionable atrocities we're seeing live-streamed to our phones on a daily basis, the endless assault of heart-breaking, unthinkable tragedies on a scale and magnitude that defy the imaginations of even the best and brightest amongst us.

And if you know any of those types, and sadly they are legion, who are content to bury their heads in the sand and pretend that none of this is happening, encourage them to pay more attention, to not be content to simply become one of the many ghosts of history, happy to float through these cataclysmic times without participating or even acknowledging the realities of the moment, especially those who fundamentally understand the injustices and are aware of the media distortions but have been hideously duped into believing that the sophisticated reaction is to admit defeat to the corporate superstate.

They are nothing more than the human equivalents of baby elephants who've been trained from birth, thanks to the various cultural products of the corporate superstate, not to pull against the chains that bind them, even though as fully grown adults, if they so desired, they could not only break the chains but would pull down the entire building to which the chains are attached.

As the great man once said...

“But the proles, if only they could somehow become conscious of their own strength, would have no need to conspire. They needed only to rise up and shake themselves like a horse shaking off flies. If they chose they could blow the Party to pieces tomorrow morning. Surely sooner or later it must occur to them to do it?"

― George Orwell, 1984

So until next time,
Viddy well.

This excerpt was taken from MOATS episode 336:

For more information about the Freedom Flotilla and to pledge your support, visit the following websites:

For the complete interview with FBI Whistleblower and anti-war activist Coleen Rowley,

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