ISIS The Ugly Face of Islam

9 months ago

The summer of 1914 was terrible as the demons of war were unleashed on the earth and the Great War broke out, which later became known as World War I. It appears that history is repeating itself as the summer of 2014 is a bad season for millions of people living in war torn nations. I want to share some highlights with you so that you can better understand the current events happening around the world.

For many years I have written about a secret world government that is working behind the scenes to forge the different nations into one global political unit ruled by the Antichrist. In order to understand the events in the world today, I want to take you back in time to the year 1916 at the height of World War I. The war was being fought by the Entente group which consisted of Russia, France, England, Ireland, Portugal and Japan. Opposing them were the nations of the Central Powers: Germany, the Austrian-Hungary Empire and Italy. The Ottoman Empire had secretly joined the Central Powers in 1914.

The Ottoman Empire was founded in 1299 as the Turks took control of the Middle East, North Africa and the Balkans. During centuries of warfare, the Empire lost North Africa and most of its land holdings in Europe and its glory days were gone by 1914 as Ottoman Empire had been reduced to controlling the Middle East.

During the early part of 1916, British, Russian and French diplomats secretly met in Paris to draw up plans for the division of the Ottoman Empire once the war was over. A revolt had already broken out in the area now known as Saudi Arabia and a special Arab force was being led by the British Colonel, Thomas Edward Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia), to fight the Turks from the south as the British Army made its way from Egypt through Palestine.

The British government had promised Ibn Saud, a tribal leader, that Saudi Arabia would become an independent nation once Turkey was defeated. [1]

Ibn Saud was unaware the world government had a different plan for the Middle East. The major players at the secret meeting in Paris were British diplomat Sir Mark Sykes and French diplomat Francois Georges-Picot. The resulting discussions later became officially known as the Sykes-Picot Plan and was officially signed on April 26, 1916.
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