F2F Radio: Hello Rumble!

Streamed on:

With the escalating ideological censorship at YouTube, I am moving to Rumble for live streaming. I have been streaming at YT for over a decade and still have my earlier shows that have not been deleted. Many have transferred to Rumble, but, not all. I will introduce myself, how I started, and where I come from as I say, "Hello and thank you Rumble!"

"Feet To The Fire RADIO A talk show with the goals of examining a subject matter on its own merits and testing how it stands up to the many possibilities found in reality. All without pre-drawn conclusions found in personal bias. No left or right wings here. No pounding the pulpit of ego-driven, ‘My way or the highway' altitudes. But there are no free passes given either. Answers to questions are important. But equally important are the reasons and methods one uses to find one's answer. The Lack of Contraction is the final judge here, On Feet to the Fire... Alternative Talk for the Times, Seeking the Answers of the Ages; now in it's 21st year, LIVE!"


You can always have access to everything Feet to the Fire Radio Audio & Video plus Articles and Archives at:
Twitter: JAJancik GAB: @F2F Telegram: @F2FRADIO
https://www.facebook.com/james.a.jancik (Personal Timeline)
eMail: feettothefireradio @ protonmail Dot Com

Ending Song in Full: Oh, Ancient One by James

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