Fathers and Families in Canada with Neil Campbell

10 months ago

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Did you know…

Many fathers across Canada are separated from their children by divorce and spending time with their children less than two times a year.

30% of divorced fathers do not see their children two to three times per month, and 20% never see their families again.

Statistics show that when fathers are not present and do not have a direct influence, children are eight times more likely to go to prison, five times more likely to commit suicide, 20 times more likely to have behavioural problems, and 10 times more likely to not do well in school.

Neil Campbell of the Family Dream Institute joins our guest host, Doug Sharpe, on this program to discuss the issue.

Neil has dedicated much of his life to working with families and fathers to strengthen families. He has developed a support network called the Mighty Men Network.

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Stats Source: Institute for the Study of Civil Society

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#faytene #canada #neilcampbell #familydreaminstitute #separation #divorce #children

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