They are getting ready to kidnap Americans

10 months ago

2020 till now our government has been involved in a coupe against We The People. Sold us out to Stock and share holders as equity. Well I ain't gonna go out letting some lazy psycho lie instead of doing their sworn to uphold the constitution Job. I am not a criminal and was a kid when I messed up. Being greedy or politically motivated ideas are not rights and I'm not an Immigrant I was Born and Blessed in Texas and above all else born in these states. You can't say I'm not allowed to get a passport and now I'm allowed to be deported. My right is American period! So that's where I will die and grow old doing it if God's Will is just that or tomorrow so be it. I don't write my life it's the path written for me and I never take an easier path just the one road hard or not. Love and Light y'all and above all else Freedom!

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