Did Michael Byrd Kill Ashli Babbitt?

10 months ago

Ashli Babbitt: the only person killed during J6.
You’ve heard all the liberal dribble about what happened to Ashli Babbitt. You’ve seen what the fake media wants you to see. You’ve even held back the urge to wretch when the deep state tried to make you believe that Michael Byrd, a man who made a career out of drinking coffee, eating donuts, was a bona fide hero.
Now consider this: (watch video now).

NBC News clip of the Ashli Babbitt shooting. The important part of this is the first clip of about 50 seconds. The following clips are designed to sway your opinion and focus attention on the false media narrative. During the first clip I want you to focus on the gun and watch the shooter’s trigger finger.
This is positive proof that the man is no hero; he was an indecisive, poorly trained, coward. Thank you NBC.

The investigation results of our very own Justice Department. You should read the whole thing to fully appreciate the level of creativity in this propaganda statement. I states point blank that negligence and ineptitude of the charged officer is not subject to consideration. Does that sound like a hero to you?
The last two paragraphs seal the deal.

Michael Byrd: You decide if this idiot is a hero.
Listen to the moron CNN reporter as she brings her report to a conclusion. Byrd has already said publicly that he spent his life training for this. Wouldn’t that mean the other officers who were suing Trump for PTSD were trained too? That’s like a soldier suing the army for putting him on the front lines.

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