Jesus is Master of All

10 months ago

"The Master of Sound"

What you see here is a soundboard. A really big soundboard. The soundboard is the supreme lord of all sound.

When music is being created by artists or for a soundtrack of a movie or for anything sound related the soundboard is king and in full control of all sound. The singer can sing as loud as they want or the trumpeter can blow as hard on her trumpet as she wishes, but if the person in control of the soundboard turns the knob that controls their sound off, what they do will not be heard, no matter how hard they try.

The master of the soundboard is the master of sound.

Today as we follow Jesus, He makes a claim of not just being the master of sound, but the master of all. Is that true? And if so what difference does that make in the lives of His followers?

Well, we hope you can join us today as we dig in to see if Jesus is the Master of All.

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