Traffic Ticket Attorney

10 months ago

Traffic Ticket Defense Attorney

If you have recieved a reckless driving ticket in Lynchburg, Virginia or the surrounding counties you should call me for your free consultation (434) 660-9701. I am a Lynchburg Traffic Ticket Attorney. Consequently, I have represented numorous clients for reckless driving tickets, let me put my experince to work for your. My experience also includes representing many clients for speeding tickets.

Lynchburg Traffic Violations, Reckless Driving:

Traffic Violations and Reckless Driving can increase insurance premiums, cause license suspensions and possibly land a person in jail. Generally, I advise you get in contact with a Traffic Ticket Defense Attorney. Free consultations (434) 660-9701. Even if you do not call me, you should still call an attorney for representation. The sooner the better. When you hire an attorney, it is best to hire one as soon as you receive the court summons. This is because the more time the attorney is provided to work on the case the likely better result you as the client will experience.

Traffic Ticket Defenses:

There are several defenses we can explore for your traffic ticket. I would need to examine the evidence against you and we would discuss the best course of conduct. Sometimes, I can get the case dismissed outright. Often, a common way to sway a court to dismiss a case or the government to drop a traffic case is through malfuntioning equipment. Even perhaps getting your speedometer tested can assist in your defense.

Moreover, Some defenses to a traffic case are for the attorney to examine the radar or speed testing device. Subsequently, depending on the quality of evidence and the maintenance of its parameters, we may be able to get your case dismissed.

Lynchburg Traffic Ticket Lawyer
Are Traffic violations civil or criminal matters?

The answer to this question depends on multiple factors. Depending on your state and the nature of the traffic violation it could be a considered a criminal matter. Some states classify traffic violations as a civil matter or an infraction. Also, the severity and nature of the particular traffic violation could mean that something is a civil or a criminal matter. Some states classify traffic tickets as a civil penatly as opposed to a criminal charge. Other states, an accused can incur criminal jail time from a traffic ticket.

Lynchburg traffic ticket Attorney
Chris White Lawyer, LLC. is a Lynchburg, Virginia Law Firm available for free consultations in person, via Facetime, Skype, Zoom or phone (434) 660-9701. Please also check out my practice areas in Personal Injury Attorney, Criminal Defense Lawyer and, Security Clearance Attorney. At my Law Firm we focus on the best result for the client. To stay connected I have a Youtube Channel, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Blogger, Reddit, Yelp,  Avvo and Justia. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Chris White lawyer, LLC
Cellphone: (434) 660-9701
Available with appointment (434) 660-9701
700 12th St, Lynchburg, VA 24504
Available with appointment (434) 660-9701
11 Tradewynd Dr., Lynchburg, VA 24502

Lynchburg Traffic Ticket Attorney

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