5 months ago

This is one of my most favorite videos I have uploaded to Rumble.

Morris Cerullo, a True Man of God.

Morris is the man in which James Kawalya, who was considered a Chief Satanic Witch and was one of the highest-ranking occult leaders in the world until he had a life changing encounter with a much greater power was told to stay out of the city of Uganda Africa and don’t come within 70 miles as a man of God, Morris Cerullo was coming to Uganda and his prayer would kill all the evil witches and warlocks and to stay out of the city for 21 days as his power would linger that long.

All the Witches had to leave Uganda or they would die because this man had the Power of God with him as his believers prayed for him.

Well, this is another similar story of when he was invited to Haiti. God told him that 300 witches were planning to kill him. God told Morris how to identify them. They did try with their plot as you will see in this video. The tried multiple times and then Morris went and identified all of them. He said one more word and I will not be responsible for carrying all your dead bodies out of here.

Not one peep from that moment forward with the exception of a blind child who was a neighbor of a General was cured and could see.

Morris said “tonight we find out who has the real power, your God or my God.”

They found out.

Here is the link to that Video about James Kawalya who was once one of the most powerful Satanic Witches in the entire world until he had a meeting with Jesus and his powers were useless, even when he conjured Lucifer to be at his side along with 600 witches and they all acted as one but when they looked in Jesus eyes they all ran away screaming, including Lucifer and James was left powerless and unable to move as he was stuck in the ground. His Amazing Story here → *Note: I was having some tech difficulties, so here are two links in case one doesn’t work → ***Ex Satanist & High Ranking Warlock Encounters Jesus – The James Kawalya Testimony

This Video SOURCE: Morris Cerullo World Evangelism --

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END. 4/29/2024 -- 3:00 PM

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