9 months ago

Flat earthers claim to question everything, but in reality they cling rigidly to their beliefs and avoid evidence that contradicts them. Take the example of the Southern Cross constellation, visible in the southern hemisphere but never in the north. On a flat earth, there is no sensible explanation for how people across the entire southern edge can see it while those nearer the middle cannot. When confronted with this geographical inconsistency, flat earthers do not respond with curiosity or honesty. They do not conduct experiments to test their model or acknowledge its flaws. Instead, they change the subject, make excuses, or outright ignore the issue. Their so-called questioning is extremely narrow and self-serving. It is not true open-mindedness or scientific skepticism. Real questioning means being willing to challenge your own assumptions, not just other people's. It requires intellectual rigor, impartiality and a willingness to abandon ideas that do not hold up. The flat earth theory fails miserably when scrutinized in this way. Its adherents cling to it anyway, through motivated reasoning and denial. In this, they demonstrate the opposite of a questioning spirit. Their aim is not the truth, but the defense of an ideology.

The flat earth theory has gained traction in recent years among some fringe groups, who vehemently argue that the earth is not a sphere but rather a flat plane. However, their aggressive and belligerent assertion of this theory often crosses into absurdity and reveals their arguments to be little more than an elaborate psychological operation designed to discredit legitimate skepticism. As I have personally experienced, flat earthers will accuse anyone who questions or disproves their beliefs of being a paid shill or government agent. Their unwillingness to even consider opposing evidence, paired with their knee-jerk hostility, betrays the vacuous and specious nature of their position.

In claiming the entire scientific community is either fooled or complicit in hiding the "truth" of a flat earth, they display stunning arrogance and obliviousness. The real truth is that they have been manipulated into becoming useful idiots who make the very concept of questioning the status quo seem ridiculous by association. Their foolish crusade does not open minds but rather closes them, by allowing the powerful to dismiss all dissenters as ignorant crackpots. The flat earth theory is not an earnest pursuit of knowledge but rather a poisonous belief system crafted to make freedom lovers appear just as daft as those who follow it. Though many adherents surely believe passionately in their cause, they are sadly unaware that they have been recruited as foot soldiers to discredit legitimate skepticism and critical thinking.


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