Fundamental Radio Knowledge For SHTF Communities(Equipment and Antenna))

8 months ago

Great HAM video series source:
Goto First part off Youtube:

Analog radio is typical peer-to-peer, but can be extended with digital echolink, allstar, and other internet interfaces.

Typical DMR problems Vs Yaesu C4FM problems in Digital systems:

This guy presents one of the best ham radio crash courses you can find to start your learning curve at a greater slope(pitch or rise over run).
Here is his 3rd and 4th episodes:

You may be a bit slower to the uptake, so listen-up...
You have been in WWIII between the Freemason/Luciferians (all secret societies) who serve the ancient devils, Homo capensis, the ancient failed-mankind who have exchanged technology and lies to their minions for their servitude to genocide the sheeple whom they are still actively dumbing-down through TV and education and universities and museums, etc.,

If you did not join the Mystery School cUlt then you are considered a sheep for the slaughter.
The 15 minute cities is a method to group sheeple for the slaughter-houses. They are isolated and do not communicate to the next 15 minute city, you see. The group of sheep can be slaughtered by the Freemason sheepdogs in a controlled order... if too many sheep mob together, they can potentially overwhelm the slaughtering system.

Your communication with other cities will be banned once you accept the 15 minute city
This is where wireless communication off the cellular-grid becomes important. The communists will secretly use Ai to monitor and delete any communication going beyond the 15-min city boundaries.

You can still defy being a sheep guided by sheepdogs by understanding who runs your country and who they serve... not the sheeple.

You must learn to not follow the other sheep.

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