please watch the whole video

10 months ago

Please watch the whole video, please understand IM not looking for a poor Dee or a pity party. But I want it to be known that what you say about ppl in a negative way truly does effect them! Try living in my shoes, in my body and MIND just for a day so then and ONLY then you can truly see what I go through on a daily basis, living with severe chronic pain EVERY single day! But right now I REALLY could and would appreciate some positive support. I would truly appreciate if you have it in your heart to please pray, send Good positive thoughts and energy and VIBES. And please don't tell me to just ignore them because I have been trying since I found out what SOME Of my do called friends and or ex friends said about me dealing with all this. Like I have been trying to let it go but its been eating me alive, that's nothing you should wish on someone else especially someone who has done nothing wrong to these people. It hurts because when I found out I had a few friends who had/has cancer or horrible health I ALWAYS check in on them to let them know I care about them and love them and I am here for them. But ive only had two ppl actually inbox me asking how I am doing with all this and that they are here for me if I ever need to talk. BUT I don't want to bother them with my problems BUT I do appreciate the few who say they CARE and hoping the best for me!

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