🐝 Welcome to Secure Acres Natural Bees! 🐝

10 months ago

Welcome to Secure Acres Natural Bees! Here we follow the teachings of Fedor Lazutin, Dr. Leo Sharashkin, Georges de Layens and others in our pursuit of Natural Beekeeping.
Natural Beekeeping is keeping Honey Bees in a similar fashion to how they live in nature in ways such as:
1: Only keeping Bees of the local race
2: Keeping Bees in Horizontal Hives with extra deep frames
3: Never feeding the Bees sugar
4: Disturbing the Bees as little as possible (No more than 1-2 inspections per year)
5: Only Propagating through Swarming
6: Never changing the arrangement of frames that the Bees have made themselves
7: Never applying treatments to the Bees
Keeping Bees in the ways listed above is easy, cost efficient, and fun. Many traditional methods taught in the modern era include steps that not only add to the work load of beekeepers but are also in many cases detrimental to Honey Bees. Natural Beekeeping goes back to the basics but its simplicity is where it excels. By supporting this channel you are helping us spread the word of Natural Beekeeping to new beekeepers or beekeepers who may have failed using traditional methods. We thank you for any contribution you can make towards helping us further this goal.
Patreon ~ https://tinyurl.com/2y4yffda
email:  honeybeepatriot@gmail.com
Rumble:  https://rumble.com/user/honeybeepatriot
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=secure+acres+natural+bees

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