Patrick Bet-David Sends Minion to ‘Eulogize’ Whitlock, Ends up Burying Himself | Ep 675

10 months ago

Winston Churchill once said, “Never engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed man.” In the wake of Jason’s response to Patrick Bet-David’s attempt to convert former ESPN personality Sage Steele to team Trash-Whitlock, PBD’s media brand, Valuetainment, sends Adam Sosnick to perform a “eulogy” for Jason’s career. Jason, unimpressed by Sosnick's embarrassing attempt at a takedown, is reluctant to even react to this PBD minion’s low level of wits and execution. Extending a very gracious offer, Jason invites Patrick Bet-David onto “Fearless” for an honest, man-to-man conversation about the events that led to the ongoing beef. Is Bet-David man enough to accept Whitlock’s offer? @PBDPodcast @VALUETAINMENT

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