9 months ago

"Globalists" are promoting the replacement of the human race with robots and AI. They are also implementing a stifling surveillance system worldwide that will record every little detail of your life, even what you think and feel. -- David Sorensen @ STOP WORLD CONTROL

The root breakdown of the word GOVERNMENT is GOVERN (TO CONTROL) and MENT (THE MIND). Governments are MIND CONTROL ORGANIZATIONS, put in place to keep the Unconscious Sheeple (aka Citizens) DUMBED DOWN, DIVIDED, and CONQUERED.

Everything you have ever been taught is a LIE BY DESIGN!

The Covid mRNA Injection is the Mark of the Beast (MOTB). First of all, the injection (not a vaccine) changes your DNA using CRISPR Technology and turning the jabbed people into a patented Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) known as a BORG (aka Homoborgenisus). The injection also puts LUCIFERase in their body so that it glows under a blue/black/purple light for easy identification. Lastly, through the process known as TRANSHUMANISM, they put graphene oxide inside the jab (aka nanotechnology), when exposed to electrical frequencies, assembles into transmitters and creates a Bluetooth Address in the vaxxed people. They can then be tracked, their data can be uploaded into & downloaded from the cloud within the Internet of Bodies and the Internet of Things, and this system is capable of allowing or disallowing them to participate in the New World Order commerce using digital currencies. Even after death, when electrical frequencies from a cell phone gets near the corpse, the dead body will still produce a Bluetooth Address for Connection. Unknown MAC Addresses are coming from the people that took the MOTB and are now Borgs.


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