If Obama Was The Devil. 1961.

10 months ago

The Number of his name code. Revelation 13:17 and Revelation 15:2.

Genesis chapter 1. Old Testament. The Beginning. King James Bible.

+ 215 chapters = Judges 4. Barak. 1st mention.
216th Chapter = Judges 5. Barak . 2nd mention.

+ 666 chapters = 6x6x6 = 216 Revelation 13:18.

+ 48 chapters = Barack Hussein Obama born 8.4 = 4th August 1961.

+ 216 chapters = Barack Hussein Obama born the 216th day of the year. 6x6x6 = 216 = Revelation 13:18.

= Hebrews chapter 11. Barak. The third and final mention. The 215th chapter of the New Testament. The End.

Barack Husein Obama born. 4.8.1961.

+ 666 Days

+ 408 Days (48)

+ 216 days (6x6x6) 216th Day of the year.

+ 6 Weeks 6 Days (66) Revelation the 66th book of the King James Bible.

= Paul Harvey: "If I were The Devil" (De Molay Freemason connection)

Released 3rd April 1965.

Obama is the devil's number one advocate.

The biblical character:

The Son of Perdition, That Man of Sin, That Antichrist shall come.

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