Low Light Welcomes Hoosier Cold Cases

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Music by www.youtube.com/@sanctumaudioproductions
Tonight's Guest www.youtube.com/@HoosierColdCases
Richard Allen Defense Fund https://www.payit2.com/f/richardallenexper
James from Hoosier Cold Cases, beloved and revered in the true crime community would rather be described as "just a guy, posting on the internet" so I'll leave it at that.

Tonight "HCC" takes us through one of the strangest cases you'll ever hear. For seven long years the murders of Abigail Williams and Liberty German have cast a long shadow over the lives of those who loved them. Suspicion and doubt have fallen on the investigators of Carroll County after the arrest of Richard Allen.

Now the eyes of the world are on the judge who's bias is becoming clearer with every motion dismissed without a hearing, and the growing chorus of voices questioning if justice will ever be served is getting louder.

Join us tonight for "The Delphi Murders". Neophyte a veteran alike will find this essential viewing. We begin at 10 P.M.

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